On September 26, 2010, Investigative Consultant Ira Robins filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation (Exhibit 10-1) concerning the cover-up of criminal and unethical conduct of the Attorney General and some of his subordinates in Bembenek’s and two other cases. He had hand delivered a letter reporting the criminal and unethical conduct to Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen on August 3, 2008 but absolutely nothing was done to investigate or correct his allegations. On October 19, 2010, Robins filed a 33 page Petition and Complaint in Dane County, Madison, in behalf of a John Doe Judicial Investigation into those same criminal allegations. By law, Dane County District Attorney Ismael R. Ozanne is presently investigating the allegations but appears to be in an unethical position himself. How can he investigate the same people that he has a working relationship with? How can he complain about the same Crime Laboratory that he uses as a credible agency to prosecute criminal defendants or the same Attorney General who may be called upon to defend his own conduct? The answer is; he can’t.
On December 15, 2010, Robins submitted a substantial amount of proof that supports his complaints to both the Mr. Ozanne and the Office of Lawyer Regulation, which included a letter from Attorney Joseph F. Owens. (Exhibit 10-2) That letter spells out the exact conflicts of interest committed by the Attorney General and his subordinates and substantiates Robins’ allegations to the OLR. The Attorney General’s Office had represented the State in prosecuting Bembenek, while representing the State in defending Bembebek’s civil lawsuit, simultaneously representing the Crime Laboratory for its criminal actions, at the same time representing the judge on Bembenek’s Writ of Supervision. Since the District Attorney, the Attorney General, and Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Jeffrey Conen are all lawyers it can be safely assumed that at least one, or two, of them know something about ethics. But a lack of ethics has been the rule not the exception under the recent three Attorney Generals, J.B. Van Hollen, Peg Lautenschlager, and Jim Doyle. They have been committing the same ethics violations for more than two decades. Now, there is absolutely no doubt that the conflicts of interest and unethical conduct must be stopped. All of them should face disciplinary action. Stay tuned.
Exhibit 10-1
(Click on the images below to enlarge)
(Click on the images below to enlarge)
Exhibit 10-2
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