Wednesday, December 21, 2011


On Monday, 12-19-2011, Attorney Joseph Owens advised Ira Robins that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals has notified him that the Attorney General's Office no longer represents the judge that dismissed Robins' Petition and Complaint for a John Doe Investigation.  The judge has now retained a private law firm to defend himself for his pathetic decision to dismiss the action.  It is obvious that the "Good Ole Boy" judge was just looking of a reason to dismiss the case of evidence tampering and criminal Misconduct in Public Office that Robins alleged.  Robins submitted ample evidence to prove his allegations  It is even more obvious that Robins will "Never Give Up." 

As you might recall, Robins, through his Attorney Owens, has been claiming a serious confilct of interest existed by the Attorney General representing the dismissing judge in the appeal.  Especially, since the Attorney General and the head of the appellate division were both named as defendants in the Petition and both were representing the judge.  What they were all doing was wrong and now maybe the Court of Appals can see just how unethically and criminally they have acted.

Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I am so very happy for you and all of the others that got messed up with this.Congratulations on you win.


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